Official CLP regulation update: Key takeaways!
On November 20, 2024, the Official Journal of the European Union published Regulation (EU) 2024/2865, introducing major updates to the CLP Regulation (No. 1272/2008).
Here are the key changes to remember:
• New hazard categories: Endocrine disruptors and persistent substances are now included for improved risk assessment.
• Complex substances: Each component of a complex substance must be considered for classification, with a 5-year exemption for plant-based substances.
• Modernized labeling: Fold-out labels and digital elements providing free online access are now permitted.
• E-commerce compliance: Strengthened rules for online sales to ensure clear hazard communication.
• Advertising and hazards: Mandatory inclusion of hazard statements in advertising materials.
This regulation will come into effect on December 10, 2024, with gradual implementation starting July 1, 2026.
[Référence : RÈGLEMENT (UE) 2024/2865 DU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN ET DU CONSEIL du 23 octobre 2024 modifiant le règlement (CE) no 1272/2008 relatif à la classification, à l’étiquetage et à l’emballage des substances et des mélanges].
Recent article for the safety assessment of Ti02 nanoform
The European Commission has requested the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) to provide scientific opinions The EFSA has banned titanium dioxide (TiO₂) in food due to concerns over its genotoxicity. An updated analysis, including 70 additional publications since the 2022 review, assessed genotoxicity data, such as in vitro comet assays, mechanistic data, and exposure studies. Published findings remain inconsistent, often of poor quality, and sometimes challenging to interpret. While studies indicate cytoplasmic uptake in vitro, no compelling evidence of nuclear uptake has been observed. This review reaffirms the 2022 conclusion that current evidence does not support a direct DNA-damaging mechanism for TiO₂, including its nano forms. The primary genotoxic mechanism is likely indirect DNA damage through the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
[Source : David Kirkland, Arne Burzlaff, Andreas Czich, Shareen H. Doak, Paul Fowler, Stefan Pfuhler, Leon F. Stankowski, – Updated assessment of the genotoxic potential of titanium dioxide based on reviews of in vitro comet, mode of action and cellular uptake studies, and recent publications, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Volume 154, 2024].
Screening Headspace (HS) GC-MS: a new method developed in EXPERTOX laboratory
Faced with ever-increasing quality control and safety requirements in sectors as varied as pharmaceuticals, food and the environment, the development of high-performance analytical screening methods has become essential. These approaches not only enable the rapid and accurate detection of a multitude of compounds, but also optimize analytical processes while meeting today’s stringent regulatory standards.
HS GC-MS screening is an analytical technique used to detect and quantify volatile compounds present in ambient air. Compounds are identified and analyzed qualitatively, quantitatively and semi-quantitatively.
HS GC-MS has a wide range of applications, particularly in the environmental, health, chemical and biological fields. It is used to analyze samples of air, water, soil, odorous objects, packaging, etc.
EXPERTOX can support you in the quality control of your products with its sensitive and rapid HS GC-MS method.