Free yourself from scientific and regulatory constraints!
Thanks to its double function of industrial analysis and formulation laboratory and toxicological and ecotoxicological expertise agency, EXPERTOX accompanies you in each step of your development.
And we are also involved in consulting, formulation, design, monitoring or even training missions.
Our history
Since 2010, EXPERTOX works for industrial firms and professionals, in order to validate, approve and launch on the market their products, raw materials or packaging in a safe way and in accordance with standards and regulations.
EXPERTOX (laboratory and agency) is certified ISO 9001 : 2015.
EXPERTOX is eligible for the Research Tax Credit.

The foundation of EXPERTOX
EXPERTOX creation starts from a simple observation:
> The proof of the safety and effectiveness of products by the realization of tests is essential for their marketing and their purchase by the consumer.
> A lot of information that it was necessary to gather within a database, at a time when there were no complete and specialized tools to facilitate and make more reliable the management of files such as expertise reports.
The choice of the name “EXPERTOX”, which includes the agency and the laboratory, is then retained. It corresponds to the name of the software that we use daily: EXPERTOX Organizer®. This last one is completed with Certificate Creator® which is composed of a toxicological database gathering more than 21 000 substances, a generator of expertise reports and a text management which allows to make the whole evolutive.
Dr Stephane Pirnay
General Manager EXPERTOX
Dr. Stephane Pirnay is an ERT toxicology expert and the chief executive officer of the toxicology expertise agency and analysis laboratory EXPERTOX. He is a fully committed actor in his field of activity:
> Doctor of Pharmacy and Doctor of Science in Toxicology
> Responsible for teaching at the Faculty of Pharmacy Paris V and Paris XI
> Member of working groups at the European Commission
> Expert at the Court of Appeal of Paris (“Cour d’Appel de Paris”) and the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris and Versailles
> European Toxicologist Registered (ERT)
> Laureate of the National Academy of Pharmacy and laureate of the University of Paris V
> Laureate of the European Innovative Company Contest in Paris
> Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit (“Chevalier dans l’ordre du mérite agricole”)
> President of the National Association of Judicial Experts in Chemistry (CNEJC)
> Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit
> President of the National Association of Judicial Experts in Chemistry (CNEJC)
> Deputy Secretary-General of UCECAP
> Author of more than 100 national and international scientific publications

EXPERTOX is composed of several teams of pharmacists, toxicologists, biological and chemical engineers, in addition to our administrative staff (assistants and accountants). These teams are divided between the agency and the laboratory. This distribution guarantees us a degree of independence, while keeping a human scale.

Toxicologist manager in the agency

Toxicologist in the agency

R&D Engineer in the Laboratory

Laboratory Technician

Executive assistant

Dr Stephane PIRNAY
General Manager
Significant dates of EXPERTOX
Creation of EXPERTOX, the toxicological expertise in studies and certifications agency, in Paris 11th
Creation of the EXPERTOX laboratory, specialized in the quality control of raw materials and products.
Obtaining the ISO 9001 certification for the agency
Obtaining the ISO 9001 certification for the laboratory
Creation of the R&D department
ISO 9001:2015 certification for the laboratory and the agency
Signature of new premises (~400 m²)
R&D :
EXPERTOX is involved

The internal R&D pole of EXPERTOX and the creation of external partnerships (faculties of pharmacy, polytechnic school, engineering schools) allow us to get involved in many research axes:
> stability test,
> microbiological prediction,
> content / container interaction
> nanomaterials,
> endocrine disrupters,
> etc.